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  • Writer's pictureEdwin and George

Millennials ARE Entitled—But It CAN Work In Your Favour

Millennials have stormed the workplace like pirates, brandishing their entitlement as both their sword and their curse — threatening to either overthrow outdated norms or capsize organisational harmony in their wake.

We unfairly dismiss them as lazy but rightly acknowledge the pace of innovation occurring in the workplace because of them.

Often labelled as demanding or having unrealistic expectations, millennials' sense of entitlement is not merely a point of contention but also a potential asset for organisations willing to look beyond the stereotype.

"Millennials don't just walk through the door—they burst in, expectations in hand, ready to rebuild the office from the wifi up, demanding a workplace not just with purpose, but with a soul." M. Johnson

The Double-Edged Sword of Entitlement.

Entitlement, or the belief in one's deservingness of certain privileges or considerations, has been a driving force behind significant societal and workplace transformations. From the push for women's suffrage to the evolution of workplace standards that prioritise flexibility, purpose, and self-actualisation, entitlement has been at the heart of progress.

Yet, when entitlement becomes toxic—characterised by narcissism, irresponsibility, and a disregard for collective well-being—it can undermine team dynamics and organisational goals.

"Entitlement, when left unchecked, becomes the Trojan Horse within the walls of progress—what seems like a gift may well be the downfall of team unity and effectiveness. Recognise it, reform it, or remove it, for the health of the whole team." G. Hardy.

Despite the negative connotations, millennials' entitlement (rooted in a desire for meaningful, rewarding work and balanced life) presents an opportunity for innovation. This generation's push for change challenges traditional norms and encourages organisations to adopt more progressive, inclusive, and flexible practices.

Entitlement Across Generations:

Recent reports in HRD Magazine highlight a growing hesitance among employers to hire younger generations, attributing this to perceived entitlement. However, entitlement is not confined by age. It becomes problematic only when it impedes teamwork and productivity, making it essential to focus on behaviours rather than generational labels.

"Entitlement knows no boundaries of age, gender, or rank; it weaves through the fabric of teams indiscriminately, challenging us to confront not who carries it, but how we all address it." Y. Johnson.

Some Stats.

The complexity of entitlement and its impact on the workplace is underscored by various studies:

  • A study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology found that entitlement can negatively affect job satisfaction and turnover intentions, highlighting the need for organisational strategies to manage entitlement perceptions.

  • Research from the American Psychological Association suggests that gender differences in entitlement can exacerbate workplace inequalities, indicating a need for more equitable recognition and reward systems.

  • A survey conducted by Pew Research Center reflects changing perceptions of "basic needs" over decades, illustrating societal shifts towards higher standards of living and the role of entitlement in driving these expectations.

Where do we Go?

Organisations can leverage the positive aspects of "millennial" entitlement by fostering environments that encourage innovation, flexibility, and open communication. Strategies to mitigate the risks associated with toxic entitlement include promoting inclusivity, setting clear expectations, and focusing on collective goals.

Maximising ROI.

The fact is millennials will make up most of the workplace by 2028. Whether you believe entitlement is generational or not, companies are yearning n for progress, productivity and innovation.

By understanding and embracing the positive dimensions of this entitlement, businesses can foster a culture that not only accommodates but also celebrates the unique strengths and perspectives of the millennial generation.

Strategies Moving Forward:

  1. Promoting Open Communication: Establishing transparent communication channels is fundamental. It allows millennials to voice their ideas, expectations, and concerns, creating a feedback-rich environment. This openness not only satiates their need for acknowledgment but also turns their entitlement into a catalyst for collective success and innovation.

  2. Fostering a Culture of Recognition: Millennials thrive on recognition. By acknowledging their efforts and achievements, organisations validate their entitlement to fair acknowledgment and compensation, motivating them to continue contributing their best work.

  3. Encouraging Professional Development: Providing pathways for growth taps into millennials' entitlement to self-improvement and career advancement. This not only aligns with their personal goals but also benefits the organisation by cultivating a highly skilled and ambitious workforce.

  4. Implementing Flexible Work Policies: Adapting work environments to offer more flexibility meets millennials' expectations for a better work-life balance, demonstrating organisational respect for their needs. This flexibility is a testament to the company's commitment to evolving workplace norms in favour of employee well-being.

  5. Cultivating a Purpose-Driven Culture: Millennials are particularly motivated by meaningful work. Aligning company objectives with social and environmental causes harnesses their entitlement to purposeful employment, turning it into passionate advocacy and creative problem-solving for the organisation.

  6. Involving Employees in Decision-Making: Including millennials in decision-making processes leverages their sense of entitlement as a source of innovation. Their fresh perspectives and diverse ideas can drive the organisation toward new opportunities and solutions.

  7. Addressing Toxic Behaviours Directly: While capitalising on the positive, organisations must remain vigilant against the downsides of entitlement. Clear expectations, constructive feedback, and appropriate actions to curb toxic behaviours ensure that the positive aspects of entitlement can flourish without being overshadowed by potential negatives.


The millennial sense of entitlement, often misinterpreted as mere selfishness, represents a deeper drive for improvement and progress. By distinguishing between harmful and constructive entitlement, organisations can transform this perceived flaw into a strategic advantage, fostering workplaces that are not only more inclusive and innovative but also more aligned with the aspirations of all generations.

By drawing on a broad range of studies and reports, this article underscores the multifaceted nature of entitlement and its potential impacts—both positive and negative—on the modern workplace. Through careful management and strategic innovation, organisations can harness the constructive aspects of millennial entitlement to foster a culture of progress and inclusivity.


  • "Entitlement and Job Satisfaction: Implications for Employee Engagement and Turnover" Journal of Business and Psychology.

  • "Gender, Entitlement, and the Workplace" American Psychological Association.

  • "Changing Perceptions of Basic Needs and Social Progress" Pew Research Center.

  • "Employers Avoid Hiring 'Entitled' Gen Zs: Report" HRD Magazine.

  • "Workplace Trends and Generational Differences" Survey.

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