There are things happening in the business world that we don’t much like.
The way people are treated – low levels of engagement and high levels of burnout.
The bureaucracy.
The micro-management.
The endless compliance to rules, regulations and pointless internal processes.
The people practices - they didn’t work in the 1990s and don’t work now.
Can we please shred them and put them in a black bag? (To be recycled, obviously)
But, there’s one practice we are total, 100 per cent, absolute advocates for.
We have defined and published our company values – and we live by them.
In 2017, Simon Sinek gave a talk in London. (1)
In the talk, Sinek discusses the importance of company values; how they’re critical to a company playing ‘the infinite game’ (one with the long-term interests of staff and clients at the core).
Sinek says:
‘When it comes to values, there should be 3 to 5. It’s what you stand for. Values are intangible – hard to measure.
The best companies have values that are timeless, ‘your values are your values’ – they describe how your company is operating at its absolute best. All cylinders are firing. You don’t do things that breach your values – if you do your integrity is hurt.
By running major decision alongside your values, you not only do what’s right, you become consistent. You make values-based decisions. People feel safe. ‘I know what you stand for, I know what you believe. I trust you – I know how you make decisions.’
‘People constantly evaluate your words and actions; can they do business with you? That’s one great reason why you should live your values.’(2)
While Sinek’s words are truly inspiring – we know what happens:
Some companies have values that are listed in an employee value proposition or annual report. The values are discussed at an induction course...then never see the light of day:
‘What’s that book on the shelf covered in dust?
Oh, it’s our company values. I wondered where they’d gone. I was looking for them in 2018.’
At EGM, we have three values - they’re on the ‘home’ page of our website. We’re more than happy to share them with the world:
We’re Courageous - to ask questions and try things never before tried in our industry.
We're Curious - to understand organsiations and people beyond a job description or CV.
We're Authentic -There's no smoke and mirrors and no ego. We've brought the Executive Search and Recruitment industry into the 21st century. (3)
So how are we doing?
We’re Courageous to ask questions and try things never before tried in our industry.
- We don’t believed that drawing up a plan is the same as taking an action, although:
- We do have a strategic plan – it’s called ‘doing things.’ (4)
- We’re on a mission – to build better, safer companies – through our ‘Get out of your own way’ campaign. (5)
- We’ve published over 100 blogs - dealing with:
Leadership behaviours
Building better companies
Bureaucratic business practices
Employee engagement
Staff development
Remote working
Mental health
Women in leadership
Ethics in business
Work life balance
Musculoskeletal problems
Minimum wage
Race discrimination
Employing people with disabilities
Age discrimination
Youth unemployment
Gender pay gap. (6)
While we think these are worthwhile subjects to write about, to have an opinion on, we just want things to be better.
We're Curious to understand organsiations and people beyond a job description or CV.
- We study the economy. The latest news. Forecasts. Developments.
- We are informed - so we give our best to our stakeholders. (7)
- We study the ‘future of work’ – so we understand the trends that matter. (8)
- We provide guidance for candidates looking to change paths or go for new roles - based on our experience and our view of the market. (9)
- Every blog we publish involves at least half-a-day research.
- We always give our sources. The material is up-to-date - quoting the latest books and articles. (By the way, we find that writing blogs and articles is one of the best self-development activities we have ever done).
- We read extensively about business. (10)
We're Authentic. There's no smoke and mirrors and no ego. We've brought the Executive Search and Recruitment industry into the 21st century.
- We manage our company with common sense. We think this is a good way to prosper in the world as it is. (11)
- We follow our Leadership Charter. (12)
- We have a sense of humour – we sometimes get up to a bit of mischief.(13)
- We don't hide behind memberships, brand names, Vlogs or even this blog - the proof is in the pudding on what we do and how we do it.
- We say what we think and what needs to be said.
Most of all: we live our values.
YouTube: Simon Sinek's talk and full interview at the London Science Museum.
See also, ?The Infinite Game, Simon Sinek
Southwest Airlines founder Herb Kelleher
See, for example, EGM blog – Get out of your own way, let’s build better companies.
See, for example, EGM blog - EGM Insights: Adelaide economy and jobs - Signs of hope? Also, our ‘We’re backing Adelaide’ blogs.
See, for example, EGM blog – 21 Questions for 2021
See, for example, EGM blog – Tips on finding a new role in 2021
See, for example, EGM blog – Our 30 favourite business and self-help books
See, for example, EGM blog – The Ministry of Common Sense
See, EGM blog – EGM leadership charter: now over to you
See, for example, EGM blog – The management consultants and the soccer game.